The Family Violence Consortium of Manitoba (FVCM) is seeking an independent contractor to evaluate creating a collective impact backbone organization for the gender-based violence sector (in transition from Gender Equity Manitoba (formerly the Family Violence Prevention Program, Manitoba Government.
Conduct a comprehensive review of the needs of current agencies funded by Gender Equity Manitoba (GEM), Province of Manitoba, and provide recommendations for creation of a collective impact backbone organization to support gender-based violence sector moving forward.
Is a network of community members, organizations and institutions who advance equity by learning together, and via aligning and integrating their actions to achieve population and system-level change.
Represents a network of over 30 family violence prevention organizations funded by GEM, and consisting of family violence shelters, second stage family violence programs and housing; resource centers, urban support programs, and specialized services, who provide service and support to Manitobans impacted by violence and abuse.
Healthy, strong communities and people with women, gender diverse individuals, and families who are proud and empowered; well-supported by organizations and programs which honour their stories, recognize the impact of colonialism, and which work collaboratively to share, undertake and give voice to best practices.
That all elements of the overall caring and support systems, both public and community, have a responsibility to eliminate violence and to support conditions favourable for thriving and successful outcomes, within Manitoba and beyond.
Consultation and scope of work to begin August 2023, with all deliverables completed by March 31, 2024.
Draft report to be completed by January 22, 2024.
Required to conduct consultations with all GEM-funded organizations to determine priorities, capacity and needs, as well as overall system strengths and challenges within family violence prevention sector.
Travel to all regions of the Province of Manitoba may be required. Research will inform recommendations re: establishing a backbone organizations in a formal report. The report will summarize all interviews, outline the process used, and resulting recommendations.
The consultant will communicate directly with the FVCM Executive. Dissemination and recommendations resulting from the report are the responsibility of the FVCM Executive.
-GEM-funded agencies, each requiring consultation
-GEM (formerly FVPP), Department of Families, Province of Manitoba
-Literature review/sector scan relative to the sector (family violence and gender-based violence) that may inform a collective impact model
-Specifically address current gaps, priority areas for advocacy, capacity-building, collaboration and collective impact, that would form the focus of a backbone agency
-Collection of data, analysis, and comprehensive report including recommendations based upon collective stakeholder feedback, including (but not limited to) structure and governance; required staff positions and job descriptions; budget, work plan (e.g., action items and target dates)
-Develop a process for selecting the recommended structure
Creation of a comprehensive report and recommendations focused on key areas, including:
-Collective impact two-day sector retreat (February 9 and 10, 2023)
-Assess funded agencies’ resources, capacity, and priority needs, including systemic barriers
-Assess gaps in sector’s continuum of services, and collaboration across funded sector
-Assess and identify recommendations for possible options re: Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters (MAWS) and backbone organization to work together (e.g., amalgamation, co-existing and collaborative structures, etc.)
-Assess ways in which 2SMMIWG+ Implementation Committee and new backbone organization may work collaboratively
-Identify areas of advocacy and shared voice that are priorities
-Assess capacity and training needs across funded sector
-Assess data collection gaps across funded sector
-Understanding of non-profit environment, collective impact models, and gender-based analysis
-Ability to implement priorities identified by Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Calls for Justice, into research, analysis and recommendations
-Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; specifically community outreach and community conversations
-Exceptional written communication and ability to produce comprehensive report documents
-Exceptional project management skills, collections and analysis of data; ability to brainstorm strategies, organization, and ability to disseminate information clearly and concisely
-Driven, reliable, analytical problem-solver, able to meet all required deliverables within established timeframes
-Demonstrated ability to work from a decolonizing, anti-racist lens, with strong understanding of intersectionality and inclusion of lived-experience and local context
Proposal must be submitted by email and must include the following:
-Qualifications and knowledge re: consultation and organizational design projects (including research, data and interview collection; report writing)
-Detailed description of methodology (approach and process) for developing and implementing a consultation plan; methodology should balance engagement as well as efficiency per project timelines
-Detailed project outline including activities, work plan, timelines with clear deliverables, and progress toward milestones
-Detailed fee proposal including costs and timelines for invoicing and payment schedule (inclusive of all expenses, including consultant fees, technology, travel, etc.)
-Three letters of reference from former professional service clients or similar project from past five years
-Provide example document reflecting similar past project
Please submit proposal to Cynthia Drebot ([email protected])
Please state “RFP FVCM Hiring Committee” in the subject line of your email.
Willow Place Spring 2023 E-Newsletter
Taking time for self-care
Wellness is defined as our “state of being†and individual needs vary greatly. The SMILE acronym can be a helpful reminder for maintaining universal wellness basics: S-sleep enough, M-move your body, I-inhale and exhale, L-love and connect, and E-eat to nourish. Asking “how’s my SMILE score today?†can be a helpful support to keep on track. Some tips: set reminders on computer or phone; write SMILE on a post-it note where you will see it throughout the day; and schedule in time daily to do something you enjoy. Setting boundaries with wellness can also be very helpful. Many face competing demands for time and energy, so it is necessary to be protective of self-care and wellness-related time.
Looking for an easy nutritious meal? Social media has popularized the meal-in-a bowl, sometimes called Buddha bowls, power bowls, hippie bowls or macro bowls.  Healthy meals-in-a-bowl allow for creative customization centered on favourite foods and/or nutritional goals, and can be enjoyed at any time of day.  Further, ingredients or completed bowls can be prepped in advance for make-ahead lunches or easy dinners for busy humans. Generally, meal bowls combine a healthy grain, fresh, cooked and pickled vegetables; legumes and/or nuts, and a dressing. Protein add-ins include eggs, tofu, tempeh, chicken, beef, and fish, etc.  Meal bowls are a great way to reinvent leftovers as well.  We hope you will be inspired to create your own custom creation – maybe even a breakfast bowl to switch up your morning routine!
Here are some recipes links to inspire:

Artist Brooklyn Rudolph’s Purse Project
Willow Place’s shelter program was fortunate to receive one-of-a-kind hand-made purses featuring original artwork by award-winning Manitoba Indigenous artist, Brooklyn Rudolph. A young woman with many gifts and abilities, Brooklyn previously gifted the shelter program with ribbon skirts from a prior Indigenous culture project.Â
We felt very fortunate to receive these beautiful items, which were the outcome of a six-month project within Brooklyn’s culturally-based art practice. Each purse will be gifted to an Indigenous woman or girl sheltering with Willow Place, in support of their recovery and healing from family violence.
Chii megwetch, Brooklyn! We are certain the purses will be treasured by those who receive them.
Follow Brooklyn:Â CLICK HERE!

Meet music volunteer, Tannis

1) What motivates you to volunteer at Willow Place’s family violence shelter program?
“I really feel that music is vital to healing, it evokes that connection to one another, and it is a comfort. I really don’t know where I would be without music, it grounds me and also inspires me to reach further. I want to share that with everyone, and I need the interaction as much as anyone else does, maybe more.”
2) Can you share one or two highlights of your volunteer experience with us?
“It is a different experience every single time I start playing, I love when people sing along! When I pull out the guitar the kids line up for turns and are so creative, some even make up their own songs or dance routines. I try to teach a little about the parts of the guitar and have everyone strum a song while we sing. “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” is a beginner favourite (because I refuse to learn “Let it Go”)! I also love those times when only women are in attendance, sometimes someone will borrow my guitar to play from their own soundtrack which makes my music hour at Willow Place so much more rewarding.”
3) If you could have lunch with any person in history, who would it be and why?
“My hero is Gord Downie so instead of lunch could we just sing together?”
4) What’s your superpower?
“I have transformed being shy into my superpower, it has let me quietly observe everyone without much expectation. I write most of my songs in one sitting because I finally have all the information gathered it needs to form. I have been collecting this data for years and hopefully my next song is something that applies to you :)”
Volunteer program inquiries: Shannon at 204-615-0313, ext. 224

Agent contributions and fundraiser!
Willow Place recently received a donation of over $24,000.00 from the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation, representing agent contributions from Winnipeg’s Royal LePage Dynamic real estate team.  We feel very fortunate to enjoy the ongoing support and awareness raised by Royal LePage, enabling us to sustain vital family violence prevention supports in Manitoba.
We wish to share that Royal LePage Dynamic is hosting a GARAGE SALE: “DeClutter for a Causeâ€Â in support of charity, including Willow Place, on May 28th. IMPORTANT: If you have some articles to donate to the sale, call 204-989-5000.

Thank you, Canada Summer Jobs!
Willow Place is hiring two students for summer day camp programming (June to September) thanks to granted funds from Canada Summer Jobs. We look forward to providing fun, educational summer activities for children sheltering with us this summer! Â
We would also like to acknowledge free admission from the following community organizations:
Winnipeg Goldeyes, Manitoba Museum, The Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Assiniboine Park (The Leaf and Assiniboine Park Zoo), Living Prairie Museum, and the Manitoba Children’s Museum.

Easy, Secure Giving with Canada Helps
Were you aware that monthly donation subscriptions are available through Canada Helps?  Canada Helps is a secure, online platform that enables donors to provide monetary donations for charities.  Willow Place continues to promote the online giving program in 2023 with a goal to obtain new monthly subscribers. Reaching this goal would provide Willow Place with assured monthly funds to bridge funding gaps, and would enable us to better-serve program participants. A commitment of just $20 a month can make a positive difference, and helps Willow Place support those in need! Â
Those with questions are welcome to contact Community Coordinator/Supervisor, Pam Hadder:
Phone: 204-615-0313, ext. 237 (weekdays, daytime hours)
Email:Â [email protected]

Willow Place Winter 2023 E-Newsletter

Resilience and Resourcefulness
Willow Place has been fortunate to receive regular donations of delicious fresh-made soup from Soup Sisters for several years. Prior to the COVID pandemic, Soup Sisters held monthly soup-making events in Winnipeg, in partnership with the Fairmont Winnipeg, that helped to raise awareness and donations, while providing a variety of wholesome soups for the shelter program.
During the early months of the pandemic, these in-person events were suspended due to health precautions, and Soup Sisters Canada stepped in to keep the soup flowing. Although monthly events have not resumed in Winnipeg, Soup Sisters Canada has created a wonderful 50% Program which continues to help Willow Place. For a modest cost, our shelter program receives monthly shipments of soup that is freshly made at commercial kitchens and frozen in family packs for shipping and distribution. The soup is delivered to Willow Place’s shelter program by our amazing local Soup Sisters: Harriet, Sandi, Miriam, along with their family and friends.
Willow Place is so grateful for the resilience and resourcefulness exhibited by local and national Soup Sisters members.
Thank you to all of the donors, supporters and volunteers in Canada that make the Soup Sisters 50% Program possible!

Soup Sisters info: https://www.soupsisters.org/
Purchase Soup Sisters cookbooks: https://www.soupsisters.org/cookbooks-recipes
Donate: https://www.soupsisters.org/donate-with-miso-money-in-soup-out
2022 Tournament Outcomes
The annual Hockey Helps the Homeless (HHTH) fundraising tournament was held in December, 2022. Willow Place is fortunate to be among homelessness-serving organizations supported by the event – other beneficiaries include Winnipeg’s Resource Assistance for Youth (RAY) and Red Road Lodge.
The event was a great success and boasted four women’s teams this year! Women led the way with fundraising initiatives and collecting team fees, and we hope there will be more growth with female player participation in the years ahead! Family violence is a significant factor impacting homelessness and homelessness risk, and this event not only raises much-needed funds, it also provides opportunities to talk about family violence and community supports for those in need. Willow Place and other beneficiaries will each receive $45,000 from the 2022 event proceeds. Thank you to Willow Place staff, volunteers, donors and supporters, as well as the Hockey Helps the Homeless local committee and national office – your efforts are making a positive difference for family violence program participants.

Exciting Updates!
Willow Place’s Caring Dads Program began five years ago, as a grant-funded pilot. Working in partnership with Winnipeg Child and Family Services (CFS), the program has blossomed from one intake yearly to three intakes. For those unfamiliar with Caring Dads, it is an internationally-recognized 17-week intervention program for male perpetrators of family violence. It is understood that without gaining awareness of the impact of their actions, as well as having support to change behaviours and gain accountability, perpetrators of violence are likely to continue familiar, unhealthy relationship patterns.
Most recently, Winnipeg CFS has expressed commitment to training more Caring Dads staff, allowing for more intakes. Also being launched is a new program for survivors of family violence with pre-school age children called Mothers in Mind. Central to the Caring Dads Program’s success, is Willow Place staff member, Shannon C., who has brought invaluable trauma-informed counselling insight and experience to her Caring Dads facilitator role, and who has mentored new program facilitators. Shannon shared:
‘We recently completed our eighth group of Caring Dads, impacting roughly 90 men, and over 200 kids’ lives. On … the last week, we ask the men to complete an anonymous evaluation on their experience in the program, I am proud to share that this was one of the recent comments: “Facilitators were fantastic, kind, caring, empathetic and informative. A great experience in an otherwise terrible time in my life.†We have had men drop out of group due to addictions, and join again when they are in a better place and succeed. Caring Dads is an important part of building healthy relationships. Connecting with these men is an honor and I enjoy being a part of their journey, I too learn and grow in each group.’
Thank you, Shannon, for your dedication and support for sustaining and growing Caring Dads in Manitoba!
E: [email protected]
P: 204-615-0313, ext. 224

Working Together to Meet Diverse Needs
Willow Place is grateful to have an number of community and program partners, enabling us to better-support participants in the shelter program, as well as provide outreach services for diverse needs. In shelter, as part of the wellness program initiative, grant and donation funds support trauma-informed yoga twice weekly. Wellness supports also include bi-weekly visits from public health, providing information sessions, vaccination access and other valuable health supports. On alternate weeks, a physician from Women’s Health Clinic is on-site to support shelter participants.
Indigenous cultural supports are important, as the majority of Willow Place shelter program participants are Indigenous women and children. Funded by donations and grants, these supports include weekly elder visits, and cultural activities such as drumming, art and crafts sessions. Shelter participants can also access and use Indigenous medicines such as cedar and sage.
Other community partners are invited to visit the shelter program on a regular, on-going basis to provide a wide array of information sessions and supports: SEED (financial literacy), Elmwood Family Resource Centre (newcomer supports and activities), CLEA (legal support), Project Choices/Klinic (alcohol, sex and birth control), for example.
In community, Willow Place outreach counsellors visit Salvation Army SonRise Village, Winnipeg, to provide drop-in and by-appointment family violence supports for men and women. Community outreach also partners with Access Public Health, Main Street, Winnipeg to provide drop-in or by-appointment family violence supports.
In-Kind Donations Support
During the early months of the COVID pandemic Willow Place established its Amazon Wish List, to enable those wishing to provide in-kind donations another option. Over the past months, we have been fortunate to receive a number of donations from community using the list.
1) Click on the link to see items on the list. CLICK HERE!
2) Order on your Amazon account for delivery to your home.
3) Contact Willow Place at 204-615-0311 (ext. 231 or ext. 237) to arrange your drop-off appointment.
Most recently, Forester’s Financial member, Kim M. purchased a supply of items from the list including night lights for the shelter program! Foresters provides small grants for members to support a charity or charities of choice, and we were delighted to once again be a beneficiary of this wonderful initiative. Heartfelt appreciation to Forester’s and Forester’s member-supporter, Kim!

Easy, Secure Giving with Canada Helps
Easy, Secure Giving with Canada Helps
Canada Helps is a secure, online platform that enables donors to provide monetary donations for charities. Were you aware that monthly donation subscriptions are available through Canada Helps? Willow Place will be promoting the online giving program in 2023 with a goal to obtain 1000 new $20-a-month subscribers, or 500 new $40-a-month subscribers. Reaching this goal would provide Willow Place with $20,000 monthly to sustain our important work in family violence prevention.
Those with questions are welcome to contact Community Coordinator, Pam Hadder
Phone: 204-615-0313, ext. 237 (weekdays, daytime hours)
Email: [email protected]

Our mailing address: P.O. Box 1786, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3C 2Z9

Willow Place Holiday Edition 2022 E-Newsletter
Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season!
Best wishes from all of us at Willow Place – we hope you enjoy the holiday season in good health and spirits. Thank you for being a part of our community.

Opportunities for Willow Place leadership
In November, Willow Place leadership team members attended the National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Toronto. Attendees remarked that the conference was well-attended with some venues having “standing room only.”
Facility and Support Supervisor, Kathy, shared that her biggest takeaway was how frameworks others were trying to establish (e.g., bringing outside resources and expertise to shelters, medical support on site, community partnerships, healthy living programs, etc.) have already been started at Willow Place. Kathy also shared, “One thing that really surprised me – some remote programs serving youth in Yukon, they are not dealing with some of the street drugs and chemical addictions that we do in Winnipeg – the Yukon group was experiencing more alcohol abuse, complicated by isolation and limited community resources.”
Clinical Supervisor, Erin, mirrored many of Kathy’s impressions from her experience at the conference, and said that attending the conference “affirmed many of the best practices for providing low-barrier and harm reduction approaches are in place at Willow Place.” Erin also remarked that there were a good variety of speakers and break-out sessions to choose from, as well as tours of homelessness-serving organizations, that provided valuable insight and perspective. Erin also stated that the conference reinforced the importance of building broader community networks to better support complex needs.
MORE INFO: https://caeh.ca/2022-national-conference-on-ending-homelessness-begins-in-toronto-today/

Welcome new volunteers
Willow Place has been happy to welcome a number of new volunteers since September. Welcome to shelter support volunteers Pam, Francine, Rebecca, Sara; as well as donation support volunteer, Tracy. Tracy has been supporting Willow Place in the community throughout the COVID pandemic and we were happy to welcome her to our new training program! We look forward to our next training session in February. A special thank you to returning volunteers, Tannis and Pat – we appreciate you!
Currently our volunteer program has a waiting list – for information and to add your name to the waiting list contact Shannon:
E: [email protected]
P: 204-615-0313, ext. 224
Your gifts make a difference
Willow Place is grateful for the many community relationships and partnerships we enjoy in the community, along with the generous support of donors large and small! As we approach the New Year, we reflect upon the partnerships and donations that have sustained our work, allowed for better participant outcomes, and providing many daily essentials for shelter program participants. Without inter-agency collaboration and donations from caring community it would be difficult to provide services and material needs for the populations seeking our supports – thank you to our community partners and for our many compassionate donors for continuing to think of Willow Place.
Monetary donations info: CLICK HERE!!!
View our wish list: CLICK HERE!!!
Amazon wish list: CLICK HERE!!!
Note: when using Amazon wish list, have items delivered to your home address. When your order arrives, email [email protected] when you have purchased items, and she will contact you to arrange your donation drop-off with us.

Strategies for improved well-being
The winter season brings challenges for many – frigid weather paired with icy walking and driving conditions often lead to more time spent indoors. Creating a personal strategy for winter wellness can help to alleviate the “winter blahs†and maintain good mental and physical health.
Taking time each day for personal needs (self-care) is important. Self-care needs vary, but a good guideline is to consider activity, nutrition, hydration, restorative rest, and social needs as basic building blocks for winter wellness. Initially, it may be helpful to schedule time slots for wellness breaks, until a routine is established. This can also help to ensure that wellness needs do not take a back seat to life’s competing demands.
For those who cannot spend time outdoors, consider online options for activities. There are many free options online e.g., yoga or tai chi (see links, below). A healthy goal is 150-180 minutes of aerobic activity each week, which is approximately 20-30 minutes daily. Most importantly, find something enjoyable and keep moving each day. Other easy ways to add activity: put on music and dance; walk in place/stationary cycle/use treadmill while watching TV; and park further from destinations to add extra steps to the day.
Breathing exercise is also highly beneficial, helping to strengthen lungs while reducing stress. 4-7-8 breathing is easy to incorporate throughout the day. Sit comfortably with eyes closed or lowered; and inhale deeply for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts, and exhale 8 counts. Repeat for 3-5 minutes.
YOGA LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7AYKMP6rOE
TAI CHI LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcpelNJTDbY

Meal planning is a great way to ensure healthy nutrition and economize. Sharing meal prep and portioning with a friend or family member is a fun way to connect socially as well. Look for recipes that center upon in-season produce, and that will keep for a few days in the fridge, or freeze well. Easy Vegetable Chowder (recipe follows) is a tasty vegetarian option is healthy, economical and freezes beautifully for later use.
Easy Vegetable Chowder
2 Tbsp. canola or olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
4 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
2 ribs of celery, sliced vertically in thirds and chopped
4 potatoes, peeled and cubed
1/2 tsp. sea salt, or to taste
Pepper to taste
Dried parsley and marjoram, to taste
I can of corn, or 1 cup frozen corn
1 large can of diced tomatoes
½ tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. granulated sugar
1 vegetable bouillon cube plus 4 cups water or 1 liter vegetable broth
1.5 cups of milk or coconut milk
*Optional: 2 Tbsp. flour (for thicker soup)
INSTRUCTIONS: place oil in large soup pot, turning heat to medium-low. Add in onion, and cook 5-7 minutes until onion is clear and softened. Add in garlic, celery and carrots, reducing heat to prevent browning. Add a bit of water – just enough to cover bottom of pot, cover and simmer 5-7 minutes longer, stirring once or twice. Add seasonings, corn, and half of the canned tomatoes. To the tomatoes remaining in the can, add soda and sugar – stir and let stand 1 minute (the soda and sugar reduce acidity of tomatoes and prevent soup from curdling when milk is added). Add water/bouillon or vegetable broth, increasing heat to medium-high. Add in remaining tomatoes. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer 15 minutes. Add in milk or coconut milk, and simmer 5-10 minutes to heat through prior to serving. Serves 4-6
Note: for a thicker soup, reserve 1/3 of the milk and stir in 2 Tbsp. flour to make a slurry. Add slurry to soup and cook an additional 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Looking to eat a bit healthier this winter? Build your menus using the Canada Food Guide daily recommendations: CANADA FOOD GUIDE https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/
Adequate hydration is important year-round and supports many aspects of wellbeing including brain and muscle function. A good guideline is to have 6-8 small glasses of water throughout the daytime hours. Not a big water drinker? Start with a smaller goal, and increase slowly. Herbal teas are another way to include more water in your day, when a hot beverage might be more appealing. You may wish to try adding fruit or herbs to your water. If you find you are struggling to drink more water, these infused water recipes might inspire you:
INFUSED WATER LINK: https://www.asweetpeachef.com/infused-water-recipes/

WILLOW PLACE NEWS – October 2022
Willow Place Executive Director, Marcie Wood
Resilience is defined as the ability to withstand hardship. It is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands. As I reflect on the past year, “resilience†is what comes to mind. Once again, Willow Place was faced with unprecedented challenges in the wake of the pandemic and the “shadow pandemic†(UN Women) that emerged. As we continued to navigate and adapt service delivery to maintain safe 24/7 residential and outreach programming, we were also challenged with an increased demand for our services. This demand as well as the complexities of delivering 24/7 programming resulted in further obstacles for the organization to overcome, however, these obstacles provided opportunity for the evolution of “Strength and growth that come only through continuous effort and struggle.†This courage and resilience is what truly defines our Willow Place team.
The impact of the pandemic was felt deeply by all, professionally and personally. Together, we experienced restrictions related to COVID-19 while we still persevered each day to end gender-based violence (GBV). Personal and organizational resilience is intertwined. What we practice daily, how we feel and act allows us to be motivated by certain thoughts, strategies and relationships while limiting others. While the pandemic has highlighted the increased need for partnership and collaborative capacity building, hiring, staff training, and service delivery that centers culturally inclusive, trauma-informed, survivor- and human-rights based perspectives, it also challenged us daily to remain committed to action based on respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth. To achieve balance as well as maintain growth in an environment where all of these needs intersect requires an exceptional commitment from a resilient team.
The work we do is difficult and not one organization cannot do it alone. The spirit of partnership and collaboration is foundational to support coordinated services. Willow Place is grateful to be a member of a community network of corporate sponsors as well as agencies and funders who are committed to the perpetual enhancement of services available for these we serve.
As we leave one year behind and move onto the next I would like to, once again, honour the dedication, commitment, resiliency and growth of our organization. “The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived†(Robert Jordan, the Fires of Heaven).

Another successful program wraps up
Willow Place was fortunate to receive grant funding from Canada Summer Jobs again this year, helping to fund summer day camp staffing. This year, we were fortunate to hire two University of Manitoba social work students, Norien and Patricia.
Patricia shared the following highlights of her work experience with Willow Place:
“Working closely with children, it’s inevitable that one will form bonds with them. I remember one morning just when I arrived, one of the kids ran up to me with excitement and said “Hey friend, I went to the classroom and it was locked; now that you are here can you go open it†… to me that statement was heartwarming as well as felt special. Other highlights were personal skills enhancement, knowledge acquisition and abilities realization through supporting children’s creative and recreational skills. Patience and consistency yields great results when working with children. Overall, the summer day camp was rewarding and fun!â€
Norien shared the following personal reflection:
“The most interesting experience I’ve had while working as a day camp worker is seeing how the unique personality of every child always shined through in a matter of a few minutes. The children have taught me how listening goes a long way when it comes to establishing respect and trust in a relationship. Patricia who taught me the importance of communicating and planning, which resulted in the creation of an environment in our day camp that was welcoming, respectful, and fun. Patricia and I hope that the short time we spent with the children at day camp will be something they can remember when they grow older. Whether it be about the friends they’ve made, the outings we went on, or any feelings they were able to express and let out due to their comfort in our room and the people that they were interacting with. I hope that every child that we have had the pleasure of working with this summer had a positive and memorable experience that they can utilize to become the most amazing versions of themselves.†Special thanks to community donors who provided passes for individual and group admissions this summer: Manitoba Children’s Museum, Goldeyes Baseball Club, Manitoba Museum, and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. For the majority of our shelter participants, these donations allowed for first-time experiences – we valued and appreciated your generosity!

Updated training program launch
After a two-year hiatus, Willow Place is thrilled to have volunteers on-site once again. We have maintained a waiting list of prospective volunteers during this time, and in September and November 2022 volunteer training is commencing, with those on the waiting list.
Our volunteer training program has been updated and streamlined to include virtual and in-person components. We have also expanded volunteer opportunities to include shelter support, donations support, maintenance assistance, special event volunteering, and cultural supports. We look forward to welcoming new volunteers to a variety of roles in the weeks and months ahead. All volunteers are interviewed and must obtain criminal records back-checks with vulnerable sector search. For those accepted into our training program, Willow Place is able to provide no-cost adult and child abuse registry applications.
For more info, Willow Place Community Team (Shannon): [email protected]
Phone: 204-615-0313, ext. 224 (weekdays, daytime hours)

Caring community makes a world of difference!
Each year Willow Place must fundraise to meet operational funding gaps, and to effectively respond to changing community needs. Current priorities for Willow Place include food security funding, cultural and wellness support funding, as well as replacement funding (shelter facility supplies and furnishings). On the horizon is a capital campaign to support a new facility with expanded service and support capabilities – demand for family violence prevention services continues to grow, and the needs include transitional housing.
A growing area of support for Willow Place is third party fundraising. Throughout the pandemic, the creativity of community members and organizations was inspiring, as they hosted a wide variety of events to raise both awareness and much-needed dollars for Willow Place. Both service needs and costs continue to increase, and we are witnessing more acute needs among program participants. As such, the support of caring community is particularly precious, and allows us to sustain valuable services for vulnerable populations.
If you are interested in hosting a fundraising event or donation drive, please reach out to us for information:
Phone: 204-615-0313, ext. 237 (weekdays, daytime hours)
Email: [email protected]

How YOU can help
Every connection matters
There is an added layer of comfort when a friend, co-worker, or other supportive person recommends a service. For Willow Place, community and agency sharing and partnership is important. Many of the populations we serve have mistrust of others due to experiences of abuse, neglect and racism.
Commonly, family violence survivors will downplay their hardships and the abuse. Like the tip of an iceberg, what is disclosed or witnessed is typically a snap shot or small part of their full experience. It is important to not underestimate the value of listening without judgment, and the positive impact of a kind word of encouragement.
One reason that many victims of family violence and abuse do not seek help, is that they are not aware of no-cost supports available to them. If someone discloses family violence or abuse, it can feel uncomfortable for those receiving the information, and although they are sympathetic and concerned, supportive friends and family may be unsure what to say or do. If someone discloses family violence or abuse:
- LISTEN and BELIEVE the person
- Express CONCERN for their wellbeing
- Let them know about supportive RESOURCES
Willow Place provides inclusive no-cost supports for diverse family violence prevention needs in Manitoba – 24-hours, every day. Any person, any gender can call the crisis support line for information and to access supports such as emergency shelter and counselling:
1-877-977-0007 (this 24-hour line directs callers to the closest family violence resource in Manitoba)
204-615-0311 (Winnipeg local – call 24-hours for Willow Place supports and information)
204-792-5302 (text-only line, for information and support in Manitoba)