Willow Place provides inclusive, no-cost supports for diverse family violence prevention needs in Manitoba

Family violence and abuse are a serious public health issue in Canada. Manitoba consistently experiences some of the highest rates of family violence and abuse per capita (Statistics Canada, 2019). If you are experiencing family violence or abuse, you are NOT to blame – support is available 24-hours, every day of the year.

Defining Family Violence

Family violence includes abusive behaviours that impact the wellbeing of others.  It includes intimate partner violence, elder abuse, sibling conflict, and other interpersonal conflicts. Family violence and abuse are learned behaviours which are rooted in the need to exert power and control over others.

Forms of violence and abuse

  • Physical violence
  • Emotional abuse
  • Psychological violence
  • Sexual violence and abuse
  • Spiritual abuse
  • Cultural abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Verbal abuse

All forms of abuse are serious and harmful.  Abuse tends to become more frequent and severe over time.

Common abusive behaviour

  • Being possessive and jealous
  • Using insulting language and put-downs
  • Threatening to harm self, others or pets
  • Teasing and bullying
  • Controlling finances
  • Being isolated from friends and family
  • Physical violence
  • Blaming
  • Surveillance
  • Manipulation
  • Downplaying abusive behaviours

Cycle of Abuse

Abuse may occur in a pattern or cycle; although common, this is not always the case. Within the cycle of abuse, there will be periods of calm, time when abuse occurs, and also times where abusers feel remorseful.  Abusers may promise to change and the relationship may be calm again for a while. Without intervention, the cycle of abuse tends to repeat itself. It is common for abuse to become more frequent and more severe over time.

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Have Questions?

For any questions or clarification of services, please send us a message using the Email button below.