WILLOW PLACE NEWS – October 2019
New Willow Place Executive Director
Congratulations Marcie Wood
Willow Place is pleased to announce that former Community Coordinator, Marcie Wood, has been hired in the role of Executive Director. Marcie brings a rich history of work in the family violence sector, and was a key member of the three-year Challenge to Change project funded by Status of Women Canada, and led by Willow Place. We hope you will join us in welcoming Marcie to this new role.
Women Helping Women
Winnipeg Realtor’s Sahara Trek to Support Willow Place
By Pam Hadder, Community Coordinator, Willow Place
This winter, Willow Place was approached by Royal LePage realtor, Nicole Hacault, about a very unique fundraiser – Nicole Hacault is one of 120 Royal LePage realtors across Canada, and one of two Manitoba realtors, that will be trekking across the Sahara Desert in November 2019 in support of Canadian shelters.  Willow Place is honored and grateful to be the recipient of Nicole’s incredible Royal LePage Shelter Foundation initiative!  Royal LePage and the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation have been top supporters of Willow Place, helping us to be able to continue to provide no-cost emergency and ongoing support to women and children dealing with family violence and abuse.