image of woman in jeans sitting barefoot on green grass with legs outstretched
SafePet Program
The Winnipeg Humane Society
Thank you Willow Place support and SafePet foster parent, Pam Rempel, for providing her valuable insight on the Winnipeg Human Society’s SafePet Program!
“Winnipeg Human Society staff pair SafePet foster animals with experienced foster homes, providing safe, confidential, comfortable accommodations for pets while individuals or families are supported by Willow Place’s family violence prevention shelter programs and services. As a SafePet foster parent, I can say that we take care of a SafePet foster animal like they are one of our own family members.” ~ Pam RempelWhen a pet arrives at the Winnipeg Humane Society (WHS) to be cared for through the SafePet Program, there are a few things that happen:
1) Foster parent, who are WHS volunteers (screened, trained, with background checks), receive information on available foster animals and basic information: species, size, needs, medications, etc. No photos are included, but behavioural information is provided to help foster parents know if they are best-suited for the animal. Foster parents know the animal will not be up for adoption and that no photos, social media posts, or other web activity is permitted to protect the owner and pet identities.
2) When a volunteer feels they are a good match, the WHS Foster Department is contacted. Dedicated WHS staff discuss the SafePet’s needs with potential foster parents, while maintaining owner confidentiality and anonymity. WHS confirms suitability of foster home, and ensures that the foster home is not located in the same area where owner has lived – this prevents run-ins while walking dogs, etc.
3) Once approved, the assigned foster family brings the SafePet home. The animal is given the care, support and attention that matches their needs.
4) The WHS behaviour department is available to foster volunteers should there be a need for advice. Foster parents can also be matched with a mentor for questions and advice.
5) When the SafePet is able to return to their owner, the foster volunteers bring the animal to the WHS where a summary of their foster stay is recorded (Foster Pet Profile). The Profile highlights success and opportunities for support that may have occurred during the foster stay.”It is an honour to be entrusted with a pet while new housing is established. Having a plan for beloved pets is so important, and I’m proud to be part of the SafePet Program.” ~ Pam Rempel

Royal LePage Purcell Trek
Winnipeg Real Estate Agent supports Willow Place
Willow Place has been fortunate to have ongoing support form Royal LePage real estate agents through the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation’s national initiatives. Not only do these hard-working individuals help Willow Place sustain 24-hour family violence prevention services in Manitoba, they also raise awareness through on-going fundraising efforts.
In August, 2021, Winnipeg Royal LePage real estate agent, ALIX MCINTYRE, will be off-the-grid on a 6-day hike through the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia, participating in the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation’s Challenge for Shelter fundraising trek. Alix must fundraise a minimum of $5,000 to participate, and has identified a $10,000 fundraising goal.For more info and to support Alix McIntyre:https://royallepage.myetap.org/fundraiser/purcell/individual.do?participationRef=1185.0.2325457503
Hockey Helps the Homeless
Virtual fundraiser a success!
2020-2021 presented unique challenges for the annual Hockey Helps the Homeless (HHTH) fundraising efforts. In 2019-2020, Willow Place was a beneficiary of HHTH’s inaugural dream tournament in Winnipeg, where amateur players enjoyed the opportunity paly in a dream tournament where teams are captained by hockey pros. The hockey heroes donated their time for this spectacular event. The coronavirus pandemic made in-person play and spectator participation impossible last year, and resulted in HHTH National and title sponsor, Canada Life, devising a virtual fundraiser called THE CANADA LIFE CUP. The new format allowed anyone to form a “team” and participate in fundraising activities. The Winnipeg event committee also re-grouped and hosted a 50-50 draw, as well as an online prize auction. Thanks to the generosity of community members, businesses and clubs, over $5,000 was raised through the online auction. Special thanks to Qualico Homes for their very generous donations of décor and furnishing items for the online auction. In total, The Canada Life Cup raised over $90,000 and proceeds will be shared equally between Willow Place and two other beneficiaries: Red Road Lodge and Resource Assistance for Youth.

Trauma-Informed Yoga
NCJWC Grant expands shelter programming
In April 2021, Willow Place received granted funds ($3,000) from the National Council of Jewish Women Canada (NCJWC). Winnipeg Section, to augment trauma-informed yoga services in the family violence prevention shelter program. Trauma-informed yoga is a gentle, inclusive practice that is structured for “every body,” using an adaptive approach that provides choice and suggestions versus instructions to participants. Yoga is available for all shelter residents including adults and children. The trauma-informed yoga program leader, Richelle, is currently developing pose charts for the shelter so that women can practice yoga when she is off-site. Trauma-informed yoga has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety; help with mood regulation, improve sleep and self-esteem, along with physical fitness benefits.
Did you know that monetary donations can be designated for a particular program area or service?
Some options include: trauma-informed yoga, cultural services, children’s services, outreach services, food security, and COVID-19 health and safety.
For more information on donations and fundraising opportunities:
[email protected] or 204-615-0313, ext. 237

How YOU can Help
In-kind and monetary donations
Willow Place operates Manitoba’s largest and most-utilized family violence prevention shelter services. In a typical year, over 900 women and children will access the shelter, translating into more than 9,000 shelter stays. The coronavirus has further highlighted the need for family violence shelter supports, and has resulted in increased operational costs. As such, monetary and in-kind supports are especially important to sustain Willow Place’s 24-hour, no-cost services.
Monetary donations:
Cheques and bank drafts can be made out to “Willow Place” and mailed to:
P.O. Box 1786, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2Z9
Monetary gifts can also be given online, safely and securely using Canada Helps:
In-kind donations:
In-kind donations include non-monetary gifts such as program and household supplies, toiletries, and clothing. Not all in-kind donations can be accepted at the shelter at all times, due to storage and staffing limitations. Donations staff may recommend community partners who regularly assist Willow Place clients with provision of free necessities. All in-kind donations must be pre-approved and dropped off by appointment. Current donation drop-offs are no-contact, in keeping with recommended health precautions for coronavirus.
For more information:
[email protected] – 204-615-0313, ext. 237 (Monday through Friday, daytime hours)
[email protected] – 204-615-0313, ext. 233 (Tuesday and Thursday, daytime hours)Copyright © 2021 Willow Place Inc.
All rights reserved.
Our mailing address:
P.O. Box 1786, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3C 2Z9